Jun 28, 2013
Steve Crandall joins me to discuss Leader Effectiveness Training, as developed by Thomas Gordon. LET is a method of communication and conflict resolution that enables anyone who has been placed in a leadership position to get better results and to do it in a manner that is pleasant for both the leader and...
Jun 12, 2013
Stefan Molyneux is back, and this time we discuss his fantastic novel The God of Atheists. I had a ton of fun talking about this book with Stefan, and if you’ve not yet read it, don’t worry, this episode does not contain any spoilers.
And if you’ve not yet read The God of Atheists, I have to ask why not?...
Jun 11, 2013
Steve Patterson co-hosts with me as we talk to Alfie Kohn, the best-selling author of many books on parenting and education. We spend a large portion of the show discussing how using punishments and rewards, carrots and sticks, teaches children that they are only loved under certain conditions, they are only...
Jun 4, 2013
In this show I speak with Seth Andrews, author of Deconverted: a Journey from Religion to Reason, and founder of the website and podcast The Thinking Atheist.
We talk about Seth’s journey from being a Christian radio DJ to being a public advocate for truth, what proof is required to believe in a deity, free...