Oct 28, 2016
Ever wonder what your purpose is in life? Or how you could live your life more purposefully? Greg Berg joins me to discuss just that! Greg and I talk about his journey from radio DJ in the 80s, to today, where he hosts the Life on Purpose podcast. He shares with us the strategies he uses to find peace and purpose in his...
Oct 21, 2016
Sticker shock for the paleo diet can be pretty brutal. Meat and produce typically are much more expensive than the sugar filled, processed junk most people eat. And when you start talking about "grass fed," "pastured," and "organic," your budget might get blown out of the water! Philip Frey from the Valiant Growth...
Oct 14, 2016
You can improve your love life by changing the way you talk to your partner. Acclaimed author Warren Farrell joins me to discuss this topic! We go over how the human species evolved a certain reaction to criticism which was useful during more primitive times, but is no longer serving us in modern times as we try to...
Oct 7, 2016
The future is better than you think, and there is great evidence to back that up. Philip Frey joins me in this episode to review the best seller from Peter Diamandis, Abundance: The Future is Better than You Think, which dives deep into this topic. Does it improve your life to have an outlook of abundance, rather...